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Champions in the 2022 National Robotics Competition

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Heartiest congratulations from NASAM to super kids Lucas Mak, Heng Wey Kye, Jared Teh (seen from left), of SJKC Jalan Davidson 吉隆坡德威伸路州立华小 , in Kuala Lumpur, who emerged as champions in the 2022 National Robotics Competition held recently. The trio will represent Malaysia at the World Robot Olympiad in Germany, in November.
Click on the picture for more details. She shared her journey which began at the age of 9 with the school’s senior students.
The school’s parent group KitaKitar launched the stroke awareness initiative and a fundraiser for NASAM in conjunction with its annual Founder’s Day programme. This year the campaign was called Choose Hope.
Click on the picture for more details. Author: Dr SP Rachagan
Contribution: RM 40

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Click on the picture for more details. For 25 years NASAM has been giving hope and empowering stroke survivors to return to the community…giving them a second chance at LIFE! Today NASAM needs an urgent lifeline.
Our funds are low, we may not be able to survive beyond 2022. We adopted cost cutting measures but its still a struggle to keep serving.
Help us raise one million ringgit (and more) and by doing so many lives will continue to be EMPOWERED. Click on the picture for more details. Stroke survivors from the B40 community can register now to receive free rehab sessions at the National Stroke Association of Malaysia (NASAM).  The programme will run for a year from October 2021. The participating stroke survivors will be sponsored by Yayasan Hasanah. Click on the picture for more details. Once again, it’s time to express our grateful thanks. Experian Malaysia – a company located in Cyberjaya included NASAM in their CSR activities recently. Our stroke champions are seen here sharing their gratitude. ESOC 2021

1 – 3 September 2021


ESOC is the premier forum for presenting major clinical research, new technologes and the latest advancements in stroke treatment and care, providing participants with the opportunity to enhance their scientific knowledge and professional skill, form new collaborations and become a part of the stroke community.

The Conference will cover the most recent scientific discoveries in stroke, innovative ideas and large clinical trial sessions, where principal investigators from major trials will present their data analysis.

Help reduce the incidence of stroke by joining ESOC 2021 online between 1-3 September 2021 for 3 exciting days of insight, camaraderie, and inspiration.

Learn more at It was certainly a new lease of life – for stroke surivors from the B40 community and NASAM – when Yayasan Hasanah decided to sponsor free rehab care at a time when the pandemic saw all of us struggling. The project ran at all our centres for about six months, from September 2020 and touched many lives.
NASAM remains grateful and hopes that such stroke support will continue so that more stroke survivors can be empowered to lead meaningful lives. Despite the challenging times stroke rehab must continue or recovery will be compromised.
Here are some NASAM members conveying their appreciation of this timely support. (Click on the picture to view the video) Friends of NASAM are holding a virtual bazaar to raise funds so that we can continue providing stroke recovery related services. (Click on the picture to view more) We want to give stroke survivors a second chance at LIFE. Can you help us? (Click on the picture to donate)

Congratulations to all NASAM clubs for taking part in the World Stroke Day video competition. Every single video submitted is amazingly outstanding and inspiring.
Watching the videos, gave me a tremendous sense of joy and comfort knowing that NASAM is able to make a difference and help Malaysians regain their self- confidence and self-esteem after a stroke.
BRAVO to all of you — the therapists, every stroke champion who participated and caregivers — for crafting those great videos. We will cherish them as NASAM’s treasures.
Big thank you also to the team at HQ for growing this brilliant idea. (Click on the picture to link it to our NASAM FB to view the video)